Saturday, 7 November 2015

PN53x with Raspberry Pi and Python

Install libnfc on your raspberry pi by following Adafruit guide , make sure you are using the Serial pins and shorted the right pins on the board, check the version of the PN53x to short the right ones.

Install the library NFCPY which allows you to read and write through libnfc a nfc tag.

To decode a message:

To write a message

Saturday, 18 July 2015

[Arduino] Timestamp function

Arduino don't have the function which convert hhmmss and ddmmyy to unix timestamp and because I was looking to combine my data to one universal time, I did't find a method to achieve that.

I came across to the library TIME which is a good library but because I had to optimise my code and have the sketch as small as possible ( developing for Arduino pro mini ), I extracted the necessary function  and variables to generate timestamp.
The file is available on my github here and this is how you can use the function:

From the date:01.06.2015 and time 20:10:00 you will have call the function like this:

and it will return a long number which is unix timestamp.